Our Values
Who we are called to be!

HOPE Church is a nondenominational community of believers desperately seeking after our perfect Father, God through relationship not religion. 

We are called and given the grace to love EVERYONE family, friends and enemies. Understanding the transformative love and power of Jesus, that is able to recreate through rebirth what the devil, our only true enemy has spiritually and physically mutilated and destroyed.

We believe we have our Redemption and righteousness through the perfect and finished work of Jesus alone. 

We believe that the assembled people of God, not a Church building, is the bride of Christ and a resting place for the power and presence of Holy Spirit. 

We believe that scripture plainly teaches us that we are to position ourselves in the reality of our calling to be Jesus to our world as led by and in the power of Holy Spirit! 

We believe we are made to walk in daily, conversational relationship with God as we get back to our original purpose we see in the Garden, before the fall of Adam because of the redemption of the second Adam Jesus/Yeshua the Christ! 

We believe that the leadership of the Gathering/Church is the head of the Church Jesus and Jesus Christ alone. 

We believe that the undershepherds (Pastors and Elders) are a gift from Jesus to the people to aid Him in equipping the saints for the work of Ministry that we as believers in Jesus are all responsible to accomplish in Jesus' name. 

We believe that Jesus is our Lord, Master, Perfect Sacrifice, Risen Savior and soon coming King and that we are already living in his kingdom now!

We believe that there is nothing in this world that is more important than our repentance, salvation, baptism and obedient walk with Jesus.

"Come and see"
From one Disciple to another!
John 13:34-35 ESV
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. [35] By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."