‘Daughters of God’ is a group of young ladies seeking after their Father God and his will for their lives.

The Ladies leading this Gathering are committed to seeing each young woman strengthened in their biblical identity as disciples of Jesus Christ and daughters of God Almighty! 


We teach the young women and the young men separately here at Hope Church. We see much more biblical and eternal value in creating an atmosphere of discipleship and learning without the hindrances and distraction of the opposite sex.

At Hope Church we believe that dating/courtship is an activity for those of proper age and maturity in pursuit of marriage, not as an activity for recreational purposes separated from a young person's protection of God given authority in their Father and Mother.


After a meal together and discussion of life and growth we are intentional about leading each one deeper into God's Word and instruction in righteousness. 


Proverbs 31:29-30 NASB

"Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all." [30] Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.


For safety reasons, we will not provide dates and times on our website. 

For more information, visit our Gathering, Sunday morning at 11:00am and speak with one of the ladies in leadership of this group.