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Bring The Whole Family
Go Deeper into God's Word
Believe For Healing
We want to help people find and follow Jesus!

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little online. We hope to see you at our gathering soon!

How to Connect About Our Church

Bringing Back Early Church Values!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

At Hope Church we believe in the inerrancy, beauty and power of God's Words. 

We believe that every Word in the original biblical text is God breathed, alive and active. That every page is stained with the blood of the saints that were persecuted and martyred to keep its purity for our generation.
Pastor Jonathan Splawn and the Elders of HOPE believe it is their responsibility to submit themselves to Holy Spirit and look to the Bible, not ourselves, our upbringing or modern church culture to determine Jesus' plan for His Church. 
We believe that our Lord Jesus in His perfect wisdom and eternal prospective chose and trained His Disciples and Apostles to make disciples that would continue his mission to destroy the works of the devil! 
Throughout history the Church hasn't always been faithful to the directives and teaching found in God's Word. 
But thank God the Bible has been preserved to show us His original will and plan for our gatherings. At HOPE we believe in the selfless, loving and powerful gospel of Jesus and that is our only hope of salvation is found in Jesus. 
Come be a part of a gathering of believers and live in real relationship with Jesus and one another. 
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